Last updated: 23.04.2021

Applies from: 2021.04.00 and later

Status of consignment shipments and original shipments

How the statuses of the consignment shipment and the original shipments change in relation to each other can be controlled using two checkboxes in the Consignment types window:

One of the checkboxes must always be selected. By default, it is Status of shipments in consignment follows consignment status. It will be deselected if you select Consignment status follows status of shipments in the consignment and re-selected if you deselect Consignment status follows status of shipments in the consignment.

Both checkboxes can, however, be selected at the same time and the status of both the consignment shipment and the original shipments can then be updated based on both the consignment shipment and the original shipments.

The different combinations of checkboxes

The following are examples of how the status changes with the three different combinations that the settings can have.

Status of shipments in consignment follows consignment status

Consignment status follows status of shipments in the consignment

Both combined

This setting can be useful if, for example, you want the consignment shipment to be controlled by the original shipments in the pickup phase, but the original shipments to be controlled by the consignment in the unloading phase.