Creating and setting up lists of services


Applies up to and including version 2023-07-01.238. The article is no longer updated.

The service list contains a description of the services offered to the customer. The service list and the services within it can then be linked to price lists and price collections.

Services are used to describe for the company, the driver and the customer what actions are to be performed. Examples of services are “Panic”, “Normal”, “During the day”, “Kilometres”, “Hours”, “Distribution”, “Groupage” and “Part Loads”.

The service list contains basic information about the services, such as names, colours and times. The service list also includes information and settings for vehicle types, surcharge types, zones, and so on.

The information in the service list is used to present the various options in order reception and on the Order page on the customer web.

A service list can be used by several price lists. Zones and services only therefore need to be created once.

Creating a list of services

From 2022.05.00, the service lists have been deleted and the services are in a separate window. Click on Economy > Price lists > Services.

As of 2023.07-01.239, it is no longer possible to create new lists of services. More information on how the services work in the new price list is available in New and old price list editor, comparison.

To create a list of services, proceed as follows:

1. Click on Economy > Price lists.

2. Click on to the left of the List of services folder to open the folder and see what lists of services you already have.

3. Select the List of services folder by clicking on it, and create a new list of services by clicking on .

4. Enter Name and Code for the list of services.

We recommend that you choose a code consisting of 1-2 upper-case letters.

5. Click on to save all changes.

Setting up lists of services

This section provides instructions on how to configure basic settings for lists of services.

Open the list of services by clicking on on the left of the folder.

Price vehicle types

To link your prices and services to price vehicle types, start by creating the price vehicle types.


If you want your prices to be based on services, and not just price items, create services.


If prices are to be based on zones, two types of zones should be created: price zones and geographical zones.

Geographical zones contain postcodes. Price zones include geographical zones. The price zone is the zone used for price collections, but it must contain geographical zones to work.

It is common to have only one geographical zone per price zone, but it may often be practical in the long run to have several. Contact for more information.

Price collection

For information about creating price lists, entering prices and linking them to services, see the Creating and setting up prices guide.


In the list of services, it is also possible to configure settings for expenses, sparsely populated areas, tariffs, etc. Contact for more information.


Prices for sparsely populated areas are not loaded on the order if no price zone collection has been selected for the list of services used for the order. How to choose a price zone collection for a list of services.

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists and expand Price lists.
  2. Select the price list for which you want to specify a price zone collection.
  3. Go to the Service lists tab and select a price zone collection from the drop-down lists for the list of services on which the price list is used.

See also