Creating and setting up prices


Applies up to and including version 2023-07-01.238. The article is no longer updated.

Click on EconomyPrice lists.

Make sure you have a suitable list of services to work on, if you are going to enter prices for something other than price items.

Creating a new price list

You can create a new price list by copying one you already have and then making changes to the copy. This is convenient because the list of services, with its services, vehicle types, etc. is included, and you do not need to create so much from scratch.

Set up prices

Open the price list you want to work on by clicking on to the left of the folder.

To do pricing for price items, open Price items in the price list by clicking on to the left of the folder. For other prices, go through the three steps below to create and apply price settings and link the price to the service.

1. Create a price collection with a price calculation

If you have a price collection you want to work on, find that first.

Create a price collection and give it a price calculation as follows:

  1. Select the Price collections folder and create a new price collection by clicking on .
  2. Enter a name on the General tab.
  3. Go to the Price calculations tab and click on Add.
  4. Enter a name for the price calculation.


    Matrix price must be selected in the Method drop-down list.

  5. Click on to save all changes.

2. Set up price calculations

One of Opter’s strengths is that you can set and combine prices in almost any way you like. Some common price calculations are described below. If you are not sure how to obtain the prices you want, contact .

Work with small amounts of prices initially. Make sure they work as intended by creating a test order in order reception, before entering or pasting in all the prices to be used in the price collection.

3. Link price collection to service

When an order is created in Opter, it is allocated one of your price collections. It is not possible to combine multiple price collections on one order. However, a price collection can contain several price calculations, and Opter can combine these.

To link the price to a service, proceed as follows:

1. Click on the price list with which the price collection and price calculation are associated.

2. Go to the Service lists tab and tick the service lists that should use the price list.

3. Click on to save all changes.

4. Go to the Pricing of services tab, select a service and then select the checkboxes for the price collections that the service should use.

5. Rank the price collections so that Opter selects them in the desired sequence, by dragging and dropping them to the required position. The price collection at the top is used as the first choice. If that cannot be used for the order, Opter tests the next price collection in the ranked sequence.

6. Click on to save all changes.

See also