Last updated: 2024-07-15

Applies from: 2023.12.298 and later, or 2023.12-01.729 and later

Change VAT rate (window)

Economy > VAT rates > Change VAT rate

This window is used to switch to a new VAT rate. The desired new VAT rate must first be created. For more information, see Registering VAT rates.

From VATDisplays the VAT rate to be updated.


Select the new VAT rate.

From date

Indicate the date from which the new VAT rate will apply.


It is not possible to schedule the change for a future point in time. It is only possible to change the VAT rate from the current date or from a date in the past.


Click on the Accept button to change to the new VAT rate (which you entered in the To VAT field above).


What happens when you change the VAT rate is described in Registering VAT rates.

The new VAT rate is applied from the date you entered in the From date field.

CancelThe dialogue box closes and no changes are saved.

See also

VAT rates (window)

Registering VAT rates