Last updated: 18.07.2024
Valid from: 2023.12-01.500 and later
Export (window)
Economy > Sales ledger export > Exports > Export
In this window, it is specified how to export the sales ledger.
Function | Description |
Total |
One single account coding for everything, regardless of the date. |
Summary per month |
Account coding is displayed per month. This option is appropriate if the export contains only invoices and supplier bills. |
Summary per day |
Account coding is displayed per day. This option is appropriate if payments are included in the export, as it makes it easier to monitor the current account on a daily basis. |
Transaction | Each invoice, payment and supplier bill is displayed separately. This option is suitable for most cases. |
Export | The file with the sales ledger is created. |
Cancel |
The window closes without anything being exported. |
Reference Materials