Last updated: 22.08.2022

Applies from: 2022.06.00 and later

Automatically adding road toll price items to orders


Applies up to and including version 2023-07-01.238. The article is no longer updated.

If you have the PTV Map&Guide add-on service, you can have road tolls – such as congestion charges or Norwegian and German tolls – automatically added to orders.

When an order is created with a price list, service and vehicle type for which you have set road tolls, road toll price items are added to the orders. The description on the price item row indicates the route or pay station to which the charge applies.


Since Opter retrieves the tolls from PTV Map&Guide, they cannot be created if the distances are entered manually on the order.

Step 1: Create a road toll price item

How to create the price item to be added to the order:

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists > Price lists and expand the price list on which road tolls are to be used.
  2. Open the Price items folder and check whether the price list already has a price item for road tolls. If not, click on to create a new price item.

    • It is only possible to have one road toll price item per price list.
    • It is not sufficient for the road toll price item to be in the master price list.
  3. Enter a Name and configure the following settings:

    • Price item type: Extra

    • Price type: Matrix price

    • Toll fee:

  4. Click on to save all changes.

  5. Go to the Advanced tab and configure the following settings:

    • VAT rate: the VAT rate to be used for the road tolls.

    • No fuel extra:

  6. Click on to save all changes.

Step 2: Activate road tolls for services

How to activate a road toll for a service:

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists > Services and select the service for which road tolls are to be activated.
  2. Go to the Tull och utsläpp tab, select the Calculate tolls checkbox and choose how the toll fees are to be added up in the Summation of tolls drop-down list:

    • Order: Excluding routes to intermediate terminals.

    • Shipment: Including routes to intermediate terminals.

  3. Configure any other settings under Toll. For more information about the settings, see Services (window).
  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 3: Enter the details for the price vehicle type

PTV Map&Guide uses the values to calculate the different types of road tolls that the vehicle may generate. In order for the road tolls to be correct, it is important for the settings for the price vehicle types to be correct.

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists > Price vehicle types and select the price vehicle type for which the road toll is to be calculated.
  2. Go to the tab Avståndsberäkning och utsläpp and select an option from the drop-down menu Vehicle type.

  3. Fill in the other fields in the box Dimensions for PTV.

  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 4: Check the road toll factor in the Currencies window

Click on EconomyCurrencies. Check that the road toll factor is “1/100” as shown below. The road toll factor adjusts the road toll to suit Opter when it comes from PTV Map&Guide. Do not change it on your own.

If you carry out transport assignments in countries with different currencies, set the exchange rates for these countries on the Currency rates tab.



See also