Last updated: 29.07.2022

Valid from: Opter 2019.06.00

Revoking shipments that have been sent via OpterLink

If you and your partner have an OpterLink partnership, you can easily send shipments to each other by assigning them to the subcontractor in dispatch. In some cases, you may wish to revoke a shipment you have sent via OpterLink. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Select the shipment in dispatch. Drag and drop the shipment into the Created list.

  • Select the shipment in dispatch. Right-click and select Set status from the context menu and change the status to Created.

The order is given the status Created and added to the Created list.

Informing the subcontractor of a revoked shipment

It is possible to extend the OpterLink link with a function that allows a revoked shipment to be automatically cancelled by the partner. If the partner has default settings for dispatch, the order will then be moved to the Cancelled list on the All information tab.

The function is ordered by the EDI department at . The EDI team will need a description of how you want it to work and approval from both parties. For information about the cost of EDI work, see your agreement with Opter.