Last updated: 08.03.2023

Applies from: 2021.12.00 and later

Alternative email addresses

By default, all messages from Opter are sent using the main account address as the sender (the one on the General tab in the office settings), but it is possible to specify other addresses as the sender. For example, financial messages can be sent from “” and other messages from “”, even though the main account address is “”.


If Use Outlook has been selected on the PDF by email invoice export (File transfer tab), the email account configured in Opter is not used to send messages with attached invoices, but the account configured in Outlook on the user’s computer is used instead. For more information, see , fönster.

Step 1: Enter the new sender addresses

Notifications, emails to subcontractors and other outgoing information (information messages)

Invoices, supplier bills, invoice reminders and invoice summaries (financial messages)

Step 2: Set the access rights for the main account

Contact your IT provider and ask them to configure the email account set as the main account in the Servers tab of the office settings so that it has permission to use the alternative addresses as senders.


In Microsoft 365, there are two different ways to send with another email address, as a "delegate" and "on behalf of". If the message is being sent as a delegate, only the address set on the General or Invoice details tab will be displayed as the sender (e.g. “”). With the second method, the addresses of both the delegate and the main account are displayed as the sender (“”).

Step 3: Test the addresses

Once the IT provider has configured the settings, you can check that they work. Click on SettingsOffices > the Servers > Test email tab. Enter the address to be used as a sender in the Sender field and click on Send. Repeat for all alternative addresses and check that a green OK appears at the bottom of the dialogue box.


The courier company has created a Microsoft 365 account with the address "". This account is used as the main account in Opter and details of the account are specified on the Servers tab of the account settings. But they want to use the “” sender address for information messages and the “” sender address for financial messages, regardless of the region. The account has been configured to be authorised to send messages as the two addresses in Microsoft 365, and this is what it looks like in the office settings.

The Servers tab.

The General tab.

The Invoice details tab.

See also